Equal terms provide more quality of life
As a mother, I have experienced that the Protac-sleeping bag has resulted in a more calm and present behavior for my son. In situations where he previously felt insecure and restless, the sleeping bag makes him feel safe and calm – especially in situations outside our own home. It is very helpful that the Protac Sensack® is easy to bring along and it has made it possible for our son to participate in sleep-over events equally with his friends – this means the world to his quality of life.
(Mother to a 10-year-old boy with Asperger’s Syndrome)
Relaxation and mental energy
I lay in the Protac SenSack® when I return from school to relax with my computer. The moving balls in the sleeping bag and the fact that the sleeping bag embraces me, make my body and mind relax. After half an hour, I feel ready to focus on homework, sports, family, and friends.
(14 year-old-girl, born prematurely and very sensitive)
Safe charging station
“We see that the Protac SenSack® is used as a charging station for our daughter in the afternoon and after she started that, it is possible for her to participate in more daily activities with family and friends. The sleeping bag physically embraces her body and it gives her security, comfort and new energy.
(Parents to an 8-year-old girl with muscle dystrophy)
Security to sleep tight
The dynamic sensory input from the balls in the Protac Sensack® provides the body with the calm feeling it needs to fall asleep and the enveloping shape gives our boy a sense of security and physical demarcation of his body. We find that Daniel falls asleep more easily now, he rarely wakes up at night and he feels rested and re-energised in the morning.
(Parents to an 11-year-old boy with ADHD)
Social participation despite anxiety
When going for a camp, our son had a melt-down and was afraid to go and concerned about being able to fit in. He accepted to try the Protac SenSack® and he could immediately feel calming effect. He instantly liked it, especially because it gave him comfort and still looks like the sleeping bag of his friends. The camp turned out to be a great success - a proud and happy boy came home. We expected him to be tired, but he had slept tightly in the sleeping bag and had also used it during daytime to ‘charge his social battery’ as he said.
(Mother to a 13-year-old-boy with social anxiety)
Protac Sensack® - Small | 100-500-35-S | 4 kg. | 139 cm. | 62 cm. | 130708 |
Protac Sensack® - Medium | 100-500-35-M | 5,5 kg. | 196 cm. | 80 cm. | 130709 |
Protac Sensack® - Large | 100-500-35-L | 7,5 kg. | 216 cm. | 100 cm. | 130710 |
100-510-35-S | - kg. | 139 cm. | - cm. | - | |
100-510-35-M | - kg. | 196 cm. | - cm. | - | |
100-510-35-L | - kg. | 216 cm. | - cm. | - |