Research, knowledge and constant development
Research and documentation are fundamental values at Protac and research projects are of great priority for us. The Protac products are based on over 25 years of experi¬ence in sensory integration and the effects are documented in a variety of reports and projects. We are always interested in new research projects and each year, we give an educational grant to occupational therapists who wish to develop their research in the field of sensory integration. Besides the research projects, the many cases that we receive from both users and staff are highly appreciated and taken into consideration when developing new products.

PhD-thesis: Protac MyFit® helps sensory-seeking young school children
The thesis shows that children with sensory-seeking behavior experienced a significant increase in self-esteem in school-related activities when using the Protac MyFit® ball vest.
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The Protac Ball Blanket® can improve sleep and reduce the use of sleeping medication

The Spanish doctor, Alex Gimeno-Ruiz, has made a research project concluding that the deep and proprioceptive stimulation coming from the Protac Ball Blanket® is an effective and natural way to reduce sleeping problems for adults with Intellectual Disorders. The project has evaluated several different sleeping parameters such as number of sleeping hours, number of sleep latency minutes, average number of waking minutes during the night and the sleep efficiency. Besides, some participants could reduce the use of sleeping medication and still maintain the good sleep, by sleeping with the Protac Ball Blanket®.

Effects of Deep Proprioceptive Stimulation on the Efficiency of Sleep by Àlex Gimeno-Ruiz  

Helping children with ADHD to improved sleep and behaviour

This study is a follow-up on a similar study from 2010 with the Protac Ball Blanket® and children with ADHD. The project is made by child psychiatrist Allan Hvolby and has several significantly positive findings related to improved sleeping pattern, improved well-being and a reduction of 50% in behavioural symptoms related to ADHD as e.g. hyperactivity and inattention.  
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 Read the full project article >

Sensory integration helping aids that helps persons with dementia feel calm and secure

This project documents the soothing effect of Protac’s products on persons with dementia. These initiatives with sensory integrating helping aids reduce psychological and motor unrest by 60% and contributed to increased comfort and a reduction in aggressive and extrovert behaviour. Furthermore, the working environment improved significantly during the period, and the initiatives reduced the general risk of violence by 29 %.

 Read more about the project (short version PDF) >  

Two Ph-D students join Protac to study the effects of the Protac products

‘The efficacy and appropriateness of the Protac Ball Blanket® on insomnia in depression in outpatient clinics’. With this title, nurse, Sanne Toft Kristiansen strives to investigate the following hypothesis: The use of the Protac Ball Blanket® on patients with insomnia due to depression will: • Extend the total sleep time and
• Reduce sleep onset latency
• Reduce the number of awakenings
• Wake after sleep onset
• Reduce the need for sedatives
• Improve the quality of sleep
• Reduce the self-reported symptoms of patients with depression

In September 2020, Sanne had her first article published. It is a study protocol describing the background and methods in the projects. You can read the entire article from this link >

 More information on Sanne Toft Kristiansen >  

’Effects of systematic proprioceptive-tactile stimulation with use of the Protac MyFit®
OT, Ann Nielsen, investigates the effect of the Protac MyFit® in primry schools. By doing sensory profiles on Danish primary school children as part of the master project, Ann found out that 21.3% out of 1721 children had difficulties with sensory processing (SP). Of the children with SP-difficulties, 70% showed sensory seeking behavior. In the Ph-D-project Ann investigates the effect of the Protac MyFit® on the behaviour and concentration on children from 6-10 years.  

 More information on Ann Nielsen >  

Reducing the use of belts and restraints by use of sensory integration

The Danish research OT, Charlotte Andersen has studied how restraints can be reduced within the psychiatry by systematically using sensory integration. The project is based on the SPI-method (Sensory Processing and Intervention) and it documents that sensory integration can reduce the use of restraints among psychiatric patients by 38% and the use of forced medication by 46%.

 Read more about the project (short version PDF) >  

The Protac MyFit® vest can increase concentration for children with disabilities

Research project from England using the Protac MyFit® vest for children with disabilities. The project shows an increased concentration and participation in social activities developing the ability to further learning  

 Read the full project article Protac MyFit® vest Acorn Park School study (pdf) >  

The Protac MyFit® vest can decrease violent behaviour for adults with disabilities

Research project from Spain using the Protac MyFit® vest for adults with autism, disabilities and hyperactivity. The project showed that the use of the vest decreased the violent behaviour, repetitive and uncontrolled movements and reduced the need for medication. Furthermore, the attention was increased.  

 Read the full project article Spanish Research Project with Protac MyFit® vest >  

Helping children with ADHD to improved sleep and behaviour

Research project by child psychiatrist Allan Hvolby and Niels Bilenberg study the effect of the Protac Ball Blanket® on the sleep of children with ADHD. The project shows that sleeping with the Protac Ball Blanket® can normalise the sleep pattern of the children with ADHD and shorten the time it takes them to fall asleep by 40%. This, of course, has a huge effect on the mental health and well-being of the children.  

Read more about the project (short version PDF) >
 Read more about the project – full article >  

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